You've always wanted to code , build your own website page , code your own iOS app or Android software but just don't know where to start ? Well , luckily web is full of resources to get you started.
So we've just gathered a few resources , that'll help you to get started with programming .. these helped me a lot. ( Watch the above video , it's quite inspirational )
Here's a list of webapps that might help you..
If you are looking for free courses and resources , then Codecademy should be your first choice .
Recently it got much better by adding the tutorials on how to use API's of websites such as twitter , youtube , Facebook etc.
But the major setback is it doesn't give video tutorials , there are just comments in the interactive iframe (The box , where you code ) . Overall , it has a great number of tutorials to help you out.
Languages to look out for : php , Git , Javascript , HTML5 and CSS3
If you got money , and have time then Codeschool is a great choice , kick ass tutorials with awesome video chapters makes you learn a programming language in no time.. Though paid , it also has quite a number of free tutorials. All the paid ones come at a standard price $ 25 . They even offer a two day trial , \where you can try out all the tutorials for free ( Hallpass ) , after signing up you'll probably get an email .
Languages to look out for : iOS : Objective-C , Git , Javascript , HTML5 , CSS3 , Rails .
Mozilla Thimble
"Thimble makes it easy to work with HTML and CSS, the building blocks of the web, even if you've never done it before. Just type on the left, then see what the finished page will look like on the right. Thimble also helps check your work as you go, providing a simple “spell check” for code to help you spot and squash errors instantly. "
Great for Beginners..
Coderace is yet another app by Treehouse , that makes you understand coding in a fun , social way. I have never tested it out , but it looks great , give it a go . According to Treehouse , Coderace is actually a four player game where the players race to build a complete webpage . Opponents can also use weapons to slow down other players. It's basically speed coding testing out your skills , I wouldn't recommend it for beginners , but average coders you are most welcomed . Coderace is limited to HTML , CSS and other languages related to website building .
Well , that's the list which I would recommend to beginners , Codeschool is highly recommended .
Got any more suggestions flush it off in the comments section..
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